The Cape Fear HOP Team came together in 2019 to begin implementation of the Healthy Opportunities Pilot. Roles include a HOP Program Director, Program Managers that specialize in each of the four sectors (food, housing, transportation, interpersonal safety/cross domain) and strategize around network adequacy and HSO sustainability, a Compliance team, QI Coordinator, Director of Data & Analytics, Community Engagement Coordinator and an Invoicing and Dispute team. We offer a Business Solutions Center to the HSOs in our network which is led by a Business Solutions Center Coordinator.
As Network Lead, we have several key responsibilities in the Healthy Opportunities Pilot. This includes:
- Developing, managing, and overseeing a network of HSOs
- Serving as a connection between pre-paid health plans (PHPs) and HSOs
- Providing technical training and assistance to HSOs; convening pilot entities to share best practices
- Reviewing and submitting HSO invoices to PHPs; working on behalf of HSOs to resolve any payment disputes
- Collecting and reporting data to Division of Health Benefits to assist in evaluation and oversight
To learn more about Community Care of the Lower Cape Fear and the work that we do, please visit our website at www.carelcf.org.